Why Use Solar Panels / Solar Electric?: Top Ten Reasons}

Why Use Solar Panels / Solar Electric?: Top Ten Reasons



Randy Connors

So you are thinking about making an investment in Solar Power for your home or business? Well the time is right as there are multiple reasons why it makes sense now but also, it is important to know that the benefits of Solar Systems will increase over time.

1. SOLAR PANELS SAVE MONEY EVERY MONTH AND FOREVER Solar will save you money on electricity costs and protect you from future rate increases.Electricity rates are at an all time high and and are showing no signs of going down. Switching to solar will increasing your financial independence by locking in your future electric bills.2. SOLAR ELECTRIC INCREASES HOME VALUES Solar Electric increases your home value and can even more then the cost of the solar electric system itself.This 1998 study by ICF Consulting concluded that saving $1 per year on energy costs certainly adds $20 to a home’s value or more. A saving of $1,000 per year increases a home’s value by $20,000.3. THINK OF IT AS A CONSERVATIVE INVESTMENT In this current market, returns on a solar electric investment may be higher than your other investments.These Massachusetts residents LuAnn Kuder and Maureen O’Brien found they “beat” Wall Street by investing in solar. Over the past 100 years, the stock market has returned just below 10% per year as an average. Solar electric ROI likely beats this, especially in states with high electricity costs.4. FEEL GOOD ABOUT PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT Using solar power means less “brown power” produced by utility companies which means fewer emissions, less pollution, and a cleaner environment.Most utility companies use coal and natural gas-fired power plants which emit greenhouse gases, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxides, radioactive materials, and heavy metals. So, power plants contribute to smog, acid rain, and global warming, affecting public health and our society’s future.5. INCREASING NATIONAL SECURITY Installing a solar electric system reduces all our dependence on foreign energy.There is no denying that our nation is becoming more and more reliant on foreign energy sources. The U.S. currently imports the majority of its energy supplies and has imported 166,270 million cubic feet more natural gas every year since 1985.6. MONEY AND JOBS STAY AT HOME Supporting renewable energy in the U.S. helps to improve our economy by keeping money and jobs at home. These jobs get created when you make the decision to go solar.The study by Navigant Consulting demonstrated that almost half a million permanent jobs and $232 billion in investment would be supported by the solar energy industry alone if Congress extends the federal tax rebates for solar for 8 years.7. REDUCTION OF YOUR DEPENDENCE ON THE POWER GRID Solar electric systems are like a power plant on your roof, producing the energy you need clean, smart and efficient.As 67% of the energy in fossil fuels is lost when it’s converted to electricity it is inefficient, 9-10% is lost as heat when transported to your home. Using solar panels on your prevents wasting energy or money because all the power you make is used in your home.8. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SOLAR TAX CREDITS With the combination of state and federal solar tax credits, the cost of your solar electric system is significantly reduced.Many states offer solar rebates as well, the most generous of which are California, Colorado, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, and Pennsylvania.9. NEWLY AFFORDABLE & BETTER TECHNOLOGY SOLAR OPTIONS As companies and local governments become better informed, solar electricity is becoming more and more affordable.Companies and governments are innovating with financing and programs for homeowners to go solar electric Whether this is a city-sponsored solar loan, a home solar service (PPA), or a solar lease, the various options becoming available reduce upfront costs.10. SPREAD THE WORD Inspire your neighbors by being the first on your block to install a solar electric system.

The Solar Energy Source is for those interested in wind, solar electric and alternative energy solutions. The alternative energy world is blossoming due to rising fuel prices, global politics, new technologies, carbon emission consciousness, and the realization that the “ECO” in both Economy and Ecology equates to the same thing; saving of a resource in a given system. See more at :


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Why Use Solar Panels / Solar Electric?: Top Ten Reasons}