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Two Wheeler Insurance Made Simple
Deepa Paul
In all likelihood, the first time you caught glimpse of the two wheeler of your dreams, your heart skipped a beat. But what after you bought it? Owning a two wheeler not only calls for celebration but is also an enjoinder of many responsibilities. Inadequate care for your vehicle can cause it to break down before its life span. Buying a insurance is the first responsible step you should take for your two wheeler.
What are the things you must know about a two wheeler insurance? First things first, your policy comes with the Personal Accident cover which covers the bodily injury or death of the owner cum driver in the event of an accident. If you meet with an accident while on the road, obtain injuries or are disabled the policy will provide for you. This will hold true even if the accident leads to the death of the owner cum driver. This cover can also be obtained for a pillion rider by paying an additional amount of premium.
Suppose you accidently cause injury to a third party with your two wheeler or damage his property? The Third Party Liability of the two wheeler insurance policy covers the injury or damage caused to a third person and to his to property upto a sum of Rs 1 lac.
However there are damages that the above policies do not cover these are damages caused to your bike or scooter by natural or man made reasons. Natural calamities like earthquakes, hail,floods. Man made threats like burglary,theft, steal ,riots strike. What is the solution then? a comprehensive two wheeler insurance. This provides maximum coverage to your vehicle so that you can enjoy the ride sans the worries.
Many motorists prefer to buy only Third Party Liability because the premium is less than that of a comprehensive policy. However, a comprehensive insurance policy provides maximum coverage to your bike or scooter as it covers a range of threats like loss in transit to damage caused by malicious intent, and thus comes handy.
There are also add ons you can avail along your insurance policy. Like the Zero Depreciation cover, the No Claim Bonus Retention cover, the Engine Protector. Each of these are useful in their own ways and can be onbtained by paying an additional amount of premium.
With the emergence of insurance products online, you no longer have to depend on an intemediary (agent, broker) to buy a
two wheeler insurance
policy. You can save both money and time online! Take out time to compare the features and prices of online two wheeler insurance being offered by different insurance companies and then make an informed choice. Dont leave the fate of your prized possession to unforseen incidents, secure it with an apt insurance policy.
The article is contributed by Deepa, a professional content writer. Currently, she writes to provide relevant and useful information for readers. For further information on
two wheeler insurance
, please visit www.berkshireinsurance.com
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