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Penis Health Benefits of Shea Butter
John Dugan
If you have ever walked by the cosmetics counter of a department store or down the aisles of your local pharmacy, you have most likely seen wide range of womens skin care products announcing shea butter as one of their ingredients. What you probably dont know is that this cosmetic additive is not only beneficial for improving skin tone and reducing the look of fine lines and wrinkles in women; it has numerous applications for mens penis health, as well. Men are increasingly turning to products containing shea butter to maintain a healthy look and feel to the skin of the penis; read on to find out how you can experience the benefits of this all-natural moisturizer, as well.
What is shea butter? Shea butter is a fatty yellow extract from the seeds of the shea tree (also known as the karite tree), which grows wild on the savannahs of Central and West Africa. Native populations have known about the health benefits of this fatty substance for centuries, harvesting it for use not only in food preparation, but also for medicinal purposes. Shea butter is used in treating burns, scars, psoriasis, dandruff, and other uncomfortable skin conditions, as well as improving overall skin tone and texture. In addition, it has been shown to contain cinnamic acid, which protects the body from harmful UV rays. In recent years, Westerners have come to realize the many health benefits of shea butter, and demand for this tree oil has increased exponentially due to its ability to rejuvenate cell growth, smooth and soften aging skin, and counteract environmental damage from exposure to the sun and other harmful elements. What are some common penis conditions that can be treated using shea butter? There are numerous common health problems that can detract from the appearance of the penis, cause soreness during and after intercourse, and affect sexual performance. The most important penis benefits of shea butter are described here. 1. Dry, cracked skin: Over time, masturbation, manual stimulation by a sexual partner or even rubbing continuously against tight-fitting clothing can form microscopic cracks in the skin of the penis. These tiny openings can allow bacteria in, leading to possible infection. Over time, chafed and cracked skin can also form callouses, toughening the skin and diminishing sensations in the penis. Shea butter softens the skin and promotes healing, leaving the penis smooth, supple, and healthy looking. 2. Red, irritated or peeling skin: Men with sensitive penile skin often experiences reddening or soreness after sexual intercourse; this can cause embarrassment as well as discomfort. Shea butter heals irritated skin and protects against further damage, helping to ensure a healthy appearance and reduce discomfort during and after sex. 3. Wrinkled -looking skin: While most of us would like to believe that looks arent everything, the fact is that women are often turned off by a penis that appears to be dry and wrinkled. Using a moisturizer containing shea butter can keep your penis looking supple and attractive by keeping the skin well-hydrated and minimizing the appearance of wrinkling. Where can I find mens products containing shea butter that provide specific penis health benefits? The health benefits from using shea butter are significant; with the right product, you can maintain a healthy-looking penis and enjoy enhanced sensation that leads to improved sexual performance. The penis benefits of shea butter can be most easily obtained through use of a specially-formulated penis health crme (mens health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil), which is applied directly to the penis and absorbed into the skin for maximum effectiveness. The penis-specific vitamins, minerals, amino acids and moisturizers provide numerous penis health benefits that keep you feeling great and performing at your best.
For additional information on most common penis health issues,
penis specific creme
and tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit:
John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.
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Penis Health Benefits of Shea Butter