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Submitted by: Dennis Jarvis
When you get out to the middle part of life and look back at High School, there s usually big moment and big memories surrounding high school sports. Whether you were actually out there on the field or court playing or just a rabid fan making an event out of it, it s one of the things that stick with you for better (or worse if you dropped that ball with 3 seconds left). Either way, you find that those moments are the ones that count. In an average high school year, you re probably looking at 180 days of in actual high school. That s a lot of time and how much of it never makes the memory radar? What happened to all that time? Luckily, we have high school sports to anchor our high school memories and make a few on top of that.
Whether it s the Friday night football game and hype or the slow and hazy late spring days of baseball, high school sports are big part of what makes high school bearable. Yea, we re there to learn and come out with at least a rough ability to write but that doesn t mean it can t be fun as well. At age 14-18, we re all adrenaline junkies and sports takes care of that itch. Half of high school revolves around our click of friends and sports is the earth that many of these friendships thrive in. There s something about going through something intense, whether it s war or the big game with cross city rivals that bonds people. It s just the way we re built and high school sports fills that role at a time when life changing all around us. Hours spent training, practicing, and a fair amount of joking around builds the ties that bind. Those friendships will last for years if not decades so we owe that to the sports we play.
For some kids, high school sports may be the only thing keeping them out of juvy. Let s face it we re all built differently with different strengths and weaknesses. High school can be really hard for some kids. Either nonsense they re dealing with at home or difficulties with the workload can be overwhelming when you re a teenager. Don t kid yourself there are a ton of kids who would be out of school drop outs if it weren t for their love of high school sports. There s nothing worse than a 16 year old with nothing to do. Como se dise 911 ? Just the regiment and rigors of sports practice occupies a young person’s time and provides an alternative to blowing up paint cans (for example). In most schools, you have to keep you grades at a certain level to participate in high school sports so this is an added carrot to use with students would might not participate in school without it. Again, we re all built different and why not offer different avenues for kids to thrive and succeed at high school.
Whether you re a player of football, basketball, or any other high school sport, take pride in your accomplishments and enjoy the ride. You ll be amazed at how fast it goes by and how quickly you ll be like me looking back at quick spots of memories a highlight reel of one of the most difficult and yet exciting times of a young person s life. Do your best and let sports punctuate your high school career with fun, friends, and a few in the win column. We’ve built PrepSportFantasy.com to share in all things high school sports and hopefully make the the whole thing even better!
About the Author: Dennis Jarvis writes about the world of
Prep Sports
high school sports
such as high school football, basketball, and baseball.
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