Easy Home Remedies For Acidity And Constipation}

Submitted by: Vikram Chauhan

Now a days, majority of the people are not following classical eating food habits. Taking pizza, burger, nooddles etc. with fruit juices or milk shakes is a typical example of incompatible food which leads to the formation of Aamras(toxic substance) and it is the main cause for majority of the diseases. People normally eat outside. Due to this they are not aware about the type of oil used, the way of processing food, spices used etc. As a result food is not digested properly and it provokes various gastric problems like- constipation, acidity, ulcers and so on. As we are dependent on packaged food, these possess significant percentage of coloring agents, preservatives, emulsifiers, stabilisers etc. All these increase Pitta and cause gastric irritation in the long run.In this article, we are going to discuss about the two common gastric problems from which majority of the population is suffering. These are- constipation and acidity. These two problems are the root causes of various chronic problems if not diagnosed and treated early.


Our large intestine is designed to store feces for a certain amount of time. So, holding feces for a longer time is not a big task for it. The problem is that lack of bowel movements for a long period of time sends wrong signals to the brain, liver, immune system etc. leading to migraine and other problems. It looks like a simple problem, if it is not treated properly, it may lead to a major problem.

Constipation according to Ayurveda- results due to Vata imbalance and blockage of channels. Vata mainly Apana Vata is responsible for expulsion of stool. When the functions of Apana Vata are affected, it results in constipation. Ayurvedic treatment includes prescription of laxatives, external oleation, use of suppositories.

What are the causes of Constipation?

Intake of dry, light, rough quality of food

Excessive consumption of pungent, salty and astringent foods

Less intake of wate

Night awakening

Sitting at a same place for a very long period of time

Neurological disorders such as- Parkinson’s disease

Suffering from rheumatoid arthritis

Lack of sufficient fiber in diet

Pregnancy(fetus putting pressure on intestines which causes lack of bowel movements)


What are the complications of constipation?

If left untreated, patient may develop other problems like- fissures in ano, hemorroids, liver disorders, intestinal, metabolic disorders.


Certain food habits cause increase HCl secretion in stomach leading to the irritation of stomach inner lining. If spices are used excessively, it can cause irritation to gastric mucosa and hence rersults in gastritis (acidity). According to modern medicine, prolonged intake of NSAIDS (pain killers) is also the main cause for this disease.

Acidity according to Ayurveda- Ayurveda considers acidity is of Pitta origin. All measures must be taken to pacify Pitta; otherwise the medicament should subside the irritation. Ayurvedic classical text books emphasise to follow satvik diet. But, it will not be possible all the time. Secondly, our tongue has developed taste for spicy and tasty food all the time. The spices such as- cinnamon, red chili, garlic if used excessively can cause irritation of gastric mucosa.

Knowingly or unknowingly our daily food is full of sour substances. According to Ayurveda, acidity is caused by those substances which are remaining as sour or transformed into pungent material after digestion whereas all sour substances such as- Indian gooseberry, lemon, oranges, pomegranate are not the agents of gastritis.

Ayurveda emphasizes stress, jealousy, anger are the reasons for this disease along with wrong eating habits. If this condition is not treated timely or else if unwholesome food habits are continued, it may lead to gastric ulcer, mal-absorption, perforation, esophageal regurgitation, headache, duodenitis, backache etc.

What are the causes of Acidity?

Intake of sour substances

Intake of spicy food

Intake of incompatible food

Heat provoking foods, beverages etc.

What are the symptoms of Acidity?

Severe burning sensation with thirst

Sour taste in the mouth


Fatigue(especially in the legs)

Pricking in the shoulder or back

Neuritis(ant moving sensation over the body)

Irregular bowel habits


Home Remedies for Acidity and Constipation

Lemon juice mixed with sugar helps to relieve vomiting sensation and bloating.

1 teaspoon of Triphala powder added with 1 glass of water, boil and reduce to half glass and then filtered. Mix half teaspoon of honey or ghee relieves acidity.

Regular chewing of half teaspoon of fennel seeds after food is good for digestion and acidity.

To half glass of buttermilk, add a pinch of asafoetida, turmeric and teaspoon of fenugreek seeds and drink it ht to relieve acidity.

Boil ash gourd with jaggery relieves bloating and burning sensation.

Crush cumin seeds and add half teaspoon of cumin seeds to 1 litre water and boil water for 2 minutes and then filter it. This is a natural remedy for acidity.

For constipation, include more fiber in your diet. Legumes, fruits, vegetables, raisins, corn (bran), guava, figs, flax seeds must be included in diet.

Drink good amounts of water throughout the day. Drink a cup of warm water in the evening. Drink 2-4 extra glasses of water per day to get rid of constipation.

Soak 10-15 raisins in water in the morning and consume it at night.

Take tender leaves of Castor(Erand) and ground to make a fine paste. To this pulp, add Aloe vera juice and drink it to get relieve from constipation.

Avoid excess of tea and coffee.

Do not sit at one place for a long period of time.

Make exercise or brisk walking as a part of your lifestyle.

Various herbs used for acidity- Patola(pointed gourd), Amalaki(Indian gooseberry), Haritaki(Terminalia chebula), Bhringraja, Mulethi etc.

Herbs used for constipation- Hareetaki, Patola, Draksha(Vitis vinifera), castor oil with haritaki.

About the Author: DR. Vikram Chauhan, MD – AYURVEDA is an expert Ayurvedic practitioner based in Chandigarh, India and doing his practice in Mohali, India. He is spreading the knowledge of Ayurveda Ancient healing treatment, not only in India but also abroad. He is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Products, Planet Ayurveda Clinic and Krishna Herbal Company. For more info visit our webiste:


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