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By Jerri Nice D. Torres
Castration of dogs has several benefits. However, it cannot be avoided that such practice spurs some issues with some people.
Pet owners should be well informed about castration in order to be able to make their stand on whether or not to have their pets castrated.
Castration is an effective way to limit the population of dogs. It can be an answer to reduce the number of dogs that are euthanized in pet shelters all over the world. However, responsible pet owners can easily prevent their pets from reproducing by limiting their opportunities to mate with a female dog.
Another reason why dog owners decide to have their dogs castrated is because it is believed that their pets can become healthier. Also, there are some diseases that are related to castration. Cases of cancer in the prostate or the risk of the development of this type of cancer may be reduced when the dog is castrated.
When a male dog senses a female dog that goes in heat, there can be a few problems that one can face. First and foremost, one can risk the safety of their dogs. This is when the dogs will run away from home and go to the streets. You can never be too sure about their safety when there are lots of cars running up and down the street.
Also, when you are trying to keep your dog inside your property and there seems to be no way for it to get out, you might suffer a little from the noise that it will make.
When you have decided to castrate your dog, there are also a few important things that you need to know about. Many would ask whether or not there is a need to have their dog produce an offspring before the procedure. Experts say that there is no basis for this. Any female dog can be spayed even if they have not given birth yet. The same goes with male dogs. They can be safely castrated even if they have not yet have litter.
The right time to have the dog castrated will depend on the vet. But most commonly, dogs can be castrated when they are as old as 8 weeks. And of course, their weights will also be considered. Most require that the pet weigh at least 2 pounds before the procedure can be done.
A change in the dog’s behavior is quite a concern for some dog owners. When you have a male guard dog and you are thinking of neutering it, you need not worry about it becoming unable to perform its duties afterwards.
It is also a myth that dogs get fat after they are neutered. What can make them get fat is an increase in the intake of sugars, fats, and other related substances in the diet and it has no direct relation to castration.
The price of the procedure may also be a big consideration. But, there are clinics that will charge as high as a few hundred dollars while there are some that will charge for a much lower fee.
About the Author: Jerri Nice D. Torres enjoys writing for Petflow which sells
Canidae dog food
chicken soup for the pet lover
as well as a host of additional products.
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