Bottle Symbols Explain Packaging Functionality

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Bottle Symbols Explain Packaging Functionality


Kayla Holman

There’s a picture of rain hitting an umbrella. What is the illustration trying to communicate? Stay dry. Another sign is made up of flames; that’s probably conveying that the solution in the bottle is flammable. No matter the message, bottle symbols can be used to explain use and functionality.


E-Mark In Europe, some bottle labels include a small “e” shaped symbol. This character is known as the estimated sign or e-mark. The e-mark reveals that the product in the bottle adheres to the guidelines of the European Directive (minimum principle packaging or average principle packaging). There is no use for the e-mark outside of the European Union and the mark isn’t required for any type of packaging. Fragile Some products, be they packaged in a bottle or a box, are delicate, frail, fragile. This is where packaging symbols come in handy. Make sure movers handle your goods with care by using a box adorned with the glass goblet symbol that communicates to everyone that the items are fragile. The same goes for a bottle, if the fragile symbol is present on the bottle label consumers will be aware that the glass or rigid plastic bottle could be easily damaged. Keep out of Sun. You know that one kid you always see on the beach? The one that is so fair that he glumly spends the entire afternoon sitting underneath an umbrella in head to toe clothing? That kid is a lot like a light-sensitive product. Luckily, a bottle that shouldn’t be subjected to sunlight can wear its “allergy” of sorts on its label, in the form of a “Keep out of sun light” packaging symbol. Packaging in a cobalt blue or amber bottle also works to protect delicate goods from sunlight. Check out our collection today. Symbol odds and ends. Every topic or subject has odds and ends. You can call this portion of the post our “Catch-All category”. You already know that different types of symbols may appear on a bottle or label, but there are few we haven’t covered yet, take a look. Hazardous symbols: Crossbones = Poisonous, Fire = Flammable Recycling: Circle of arrows = Bottle is recyclable, Circle of arrows with numbers in center = Resin identification codes (reveal what kind of plastic the bottle is). Lots of symbols are used around the world. Not just in packaging, but in other important ways of life as well. Symbols assist us in navigating our way through a department store and they guide us through traffic safely. Now that you know all about symbols, add the appropriate marking to your product’s bottle. Don’t worry if you don’t have a bottle or packaging design in mind, Container and Packaging Supply and CPS Design can help.



tells a tale about how it should or should not be used. Read Kayla Holman’s article on


symbols to learn more.

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Bottle Symbols Explain Packaging Functionality