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IMPORTANCE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION.Education is important for every individual in a nation. It plays a vital role to change the stare of a country. No country could bring a revolution in it unless its people are educated enough to meet the challenges. Education makes a man realize about himself and his goals and how to achieve that goals.Basically, Education is divided into three groups. The Education which teaches the concerns of a society is called Social Education. The Education which develops a personality inside a man himself is called Spiritual Education. The Education that concerns with the professionalism is called Vocational Education. The Technical Education comes under the branch of Vocational Education which deals practically in the field of trade, commerce, agriculture, medicine & Engineering.We are living in the modern age of science where we found Technologies in every aspect of life. What makes life so easy for us simply; these are the Technologies which we use for our ease and comforts. Not only in our daily life but also in the research centre, in defensive measured of a country, biological aspects etc. No nation could make the progress unless it promotes technical aspects in its fields. The technical education produces technicians for all type of industries and it is true that the progress of a country much depend upon its Industrialization without which a handsome economy would not be possible.Using a technology is far easier than to develop it. For developing a technology, it needed high skill teams which have a high knowledge for the theme. It also needed a high amount of time and also money. To fulfill all these, there must be technical institutes which must cover all the faculties of technological studies and also the support of government to support financially & to make it at international level. If it would be at International level then it would be easier to students to acquire knowledge in their own state so that they could do something for their own country.Pakistan leads in the technological era. The exhibition canters in Pakistan plays a vital role in backing up the technicians to come up with more and more new technologies because it gives reflection of our technologies to the foreigners which are representing their country, which means we are reflecting our image to that world. By this we have a sense of development and prosperity that we also produce creative mind in the technological aspect.As far as Pakistans implementation in techno field is concern, we can look around and observe that in every field of life we are using high class technologies whether it is in the Industrial purpose, business purpose, agriculture purpose or defensive purpose. There has been a lot of emergence of on-line trading, which deals with high technological concerns in term of machinery and software. Pakistan Telecommunication field also deal with high-class technology.Pakistan also promises to produce best technicians of its own through their technical education centers which allow approximately all the faculties for technical development. These institutes also support the new courses of technology which are introduced at a time so that there would be no line at which we lay behind. The most important institutes of in Pakistan which support the technical courses include, NED University, GIK University, Karachi University, Mehran University and there are also some other private Universities which deal in technological subjects. These institutes promise to produce technicians who cold meet the challenges of the technological era. I feel proud when I watch the students rushing towards these technical institutes to become a prosperous technician who have a sense of responsibility for the progress of their nation.Technical education promotes the material prosperity and economic advancement. It produces the sense of self-respect and dignity. If a country has her own technical experts, she can save a lot of foreign exchange i.e. Technical Education makes a country rich, prosperous and resourceful. Our country is rich in raw material resources but the thing is, we must have enough technical knowledge to benefit from them. BY: WASEEM HAIDER.BS(SE). 2nd Semester,(KU).0333-3271505.