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People who have never experienced acupuncture may have a lot of misconstrued ideas about what it is. Many people are very uneducated about acupuncture, knowing only that it involves poking needles into the body. When considering only the needles, acupuncture may seem like a very strange and even threatening practice. With a better understanding, however, you may realize that acupuncture in Wilsonville can be a very effective and genuine form of healing. Here are a few things that may help you better understand the healing art of acupuncture.One thing that you might be interested to learn is that acupuncture has been around for many years, and arguably even thousands. This is definitely not a new medical or healing practice, although it continues to grow in recognition and public attention today. The recent attention given to acupuncture may be viewed as clear evidence of its effectiveness. You might argue that a totally ineffective medical practice would likely have been discarded many years ago. In the case of acupuncture, however, the practice continues to grow. Many people have been helped through acupuncture in Wilsonville.The basic function of acupuncture is to promote health and to reduce or eliminate various forms of pain in the body. Many people would say that an acupuncturist serves as an instrument to help the body heal itself. In order to achieve this healing, an acupuncturist attempts to reach and stimulate specific points in the body, restoring its proper energetic balance. As with all forms of life, a human body uses energy to function. When illness and pain are present, this natural flow of energy is often obstructed. Receiving acupuncture in Wilsonville may be what you need to alleviate and remove pain and other ailments you may be experiencing due to obstructions in your bodys vital energy. So how does it work? Many people are terrified of acupuncture because they think it will involve huge and painful needles. This is simply not the case. While sometimes involving needles, acupuncture is generally not a very painful process. In comparison with your imagined image of huge, painful needles, acupuncture needles will likely seem extremely small and definitely not threatening. These needles are used simply to tap into the flow of energy in your body, not to create harm. Most people realize that acupuncture is not a painful process at all, but instead very relaxing and relieving.