Women.Here Is One Surefire Thing Your Husband Can Do Before Dying To Give Your Family An Extra $5,0

Women.here is one surefire thing your husband can do before dying to give your family an extra $5,0


Michael Testa, CPA

If you are reading this article there is a pretty good chance that youre married. Now if your husband is like most men, he probably doesnt take as good care of himself as youd like. Unfortunately, your husband is probably like most other men in that he is likely to die before you do. In fact, U.S. statistics show that, on average, women outlive their husbands by nearly five years. For most women (and men) thats a scary thought.


The truth is: sooner or later we are all going to die. While most of us (grudgingly) accept death as a normal consequence of life, the husbands death can have dire financial consequences for the surviving widow. It’s perfectly normal for a wife to worry about the welfare of herself (and any children) should her husband die. While this is an obvious concern to younger women with small children at home, it’s an equally important concern to elderly womenespecially since most deaths occur during retirement leaving widows without an active income source. While there isn’t a lot that can be done to guarantee investment returns or pension benefits, there is still one financial decision that you can make that can realistically leave you with an extra $5,000 should your husband die before you do. You dont need to be a financial expert to take advantage of this opportunity. All you need to do is apply a couple simple strategies. As a husband and father myself, I know how valuable this advice is. My name is Michael Testa and I am a funeral accountant. Basically, I am a certified public accountant that specializes in helping families save money when making funeral arrangements. My advice often saves families several thousand dollars that would otherwise be spent in just a few short hours at the funeral home. These funds can now be saved and used to support you and your children. Here are a few tips and strategies you can use to save money if you have to make funeral arrangements for your husband. By planning ahead you can substantially reduce the amount of money that will have to be paid out upon your husbands death.and you wont have to compromise on your final wishes. Tip #1 Evaluate prices and options available from at least three different funeral homes in your area. Different funeral homes offer different goods and services. It’s fairly common for one funeral home to be twice as expensive as another funeral home right down the street. By reviewing the options and prices available in your area, you can ensure you plan a meaningful, yet affordable, funeral service. Tip #2 Determine what it is you really want to accomplish by holding a funeral service. If the goal is simply to care for and bury your husband, choosing a less expensive option, such as direct cremation, can save you quite a bit of money. Even if you want to use the funeral as a mechanism to generate support for yourself, you can supplement a less expensive funeral option by holding a separate memorial service or gathering in your home, church, or at a favorite social club. Tip #3 Consider setting money aside in a separate savings account that can be used to pay for any funeral arrangements you must make. Make sure both you and your husband are joint owners of this account. This allows either of you to access the funds immediately upon the death of the other. With the typical funeral now costing in the neighborhood of $7,000 to $10,000, many widows are forced to borrow money or use personal credit cards to pay the funeral home. Having access to a ready pool of cash allows you to negotiate a discount at the funeral home (an immediate cash payment is a big motivator in the funeral business mainly because its a rare occurrence). In addition, if you know you only have a certain amount of money to spend, you are less likely to go over budget when making your arrangements. All too often families that assign life insurance policies end up spending considerably more than they wanted (or needed) – simply because there was a pool of life insurance available. Remember: life insurance is YOUR money, dont be tricked into thinking its free money that can be indiscriminately spent. The more you save, the more you keep. Applying these basic tips can allow you to realistically save $5,000 the next time you need to make funeral arrangements. If you are a wife, mother, or simply responsible for the support of another, this means that you will be able to save money that can be used to support yourself and your dependents. There are lots more things you can do to save even more money when making funeral arrangements. This article just touched on a few of the more obvious strategies. You can get more free money-saving funeral tips from our website and blog.



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Women.here is one surefire thing your husband can do before dying to give your family an extra $5,0