10 Simple Dog Training Tips You Can’t Ignore

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Submitted by: Domenic Rendel

A well behaved and well mannered pup can be the envy of any dog owner. Sitting, heeling and waiting on command are impressive tasks for our four legged companions to carry out. Basic obedience training is something that just about any pet owner can carry out with relative ease. Patience and confidence will be important factors in your success.

Make no mistake, those well behaved dogs you envy did not learn those commands overnight. It takes practice, patience and some discipline from both you and your dog.

Whether you’ve just acquired a new furry friend, or you’re looking to teach an old dog new tricks, there are some important things you need to know. I’m going to share 10 simple dog training tips that will help you achieve your goals.

Keep a Positive Attitude

Dogs can pick up on fear, anxiety and frustration. Keep that in mind during your training sessions. If you begin feeling frustrated or stressed, you may want to give it a go at another time. It’s okay to cut a session short and pick it up later. Creating a positive environment will yield better results. Otherwise, you may wind up inadvertently instilling fear in your dog.

Be Confident and Take Charge

Remember, dogs naturally live in packs. A pack needs a leader who is confident and is not afraid to take charge. Make sure you’re the one filling this role and your dog will feel more secure.


Reward Good Behavio

Reward your dog’s good behavior with treats! You should have a good idea of what kind of treats your dog really enjoys, so be sure to stock up on them. The more they enjoy the reward, the more incentive they have to follow your commands.

Never Stop Training

It’s important to reinforce your training and continue on with new commands throughout your dog’s life. They never stop learning, so you should never quit teaching!

Keep Your Sessions Short

Have a goal in mind for each session. Keeping it short will prevent frustration. End each session on a positive note for best results.

Bond With Your Dog Through Play

Play time is fun not only for your dog, but for you as well. Enjoy this time with them! Playing also reinforces the bond the two of you have.

Think Like a Dog

Try to think like your dog. Getting down on their level may help you better understand the best way to go about your sessions.

Correct Timing is Key

Knowing when to praise your dog is a key factor in training success. Reward your dog immediately for good behavior. The same goes for negative reinforcement. The moment your dog does something you wish to discourage, firmly tell them “no” and correct the behavior. For example, if your dog attempts to jump up on someone who has walked in your home, immediately tell them “no” and ask them to “sit.” Upon sitting, immediately reward them with a treat. Clickers can be wonderful tools for timing.

Be Consistent

It’s important to be consistent and repetitive with your training. Choose the word, phrase, or hand signal you wish to associate with the command before beginning your sessions. Always use the same phrase, word, or hand signal with each of your sessions associated with that command. If possible, use the same tone of voice as well.

Be Realistic About Your Expectations

Remember, training your dog takes time and patience. Don’t expect behavior to change overnight. If there is a behavior you wish to correct, take into consideration how long your dog has been behaving this way. The longer you have let the unwanted behavior go on, the longer it takes to correct.

Be patient and keep going! Be as stubborn as your dog when it comes to training. As with anything in life, success takes time and work to see results. Start with the basic commands of “sit,” “stay,” “heel,” “lay down,” etc. They are easy for your pup to pick up on and will give you the confidence boost you’ll need to continue on

About the Author: I enjoy reading up on dog training topics and have been an trainer for many years. This experience has allowed me to write for many high end blogs and share my hobby with the world.While searching for guidance I came across


that ultimately helped me teach my dog much better.



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