The Many Advantages Of Telecoms Procurement And Cost Reduction

By Joyce Stewart

At the moment we are quite a small company, but we are thinking big. Within 24 months, I aim to have a bigger workforce and that requires me to start making plans now. We have a small fleet of chauffeur driven vehicles for business, social and leisure activities, and also a small city courier service. Our drivers need to be easily contactable and to be able to communicate with our office regularly. The office uses landlines and the drivers carry company mobiles.

It is easy to see that we class communication the top of many essential business practises. Telecommunications however is changing everyday and we struggle to find ourselves keeping up to date with the services that a business can use. One day, we actually lost a major contract because we could not get in touch with one of our drivers. I was certain that if we had the right communication package that this would not happen again, after all, we are in the age where people can ring each other on opposite sides of the world, yet I was losing contact with my drivers in the same town as me.

I started investigating the various telecom packages that were available to businesses and promised 24 hour communication with the key people in our firm. I was overwhelmed by the amount that was on offer. One plan we almost signed up for that on the surface looked so attractive turned out, on closer inspection, to be completely inadequate for our needs.Another plan was presented to us by a company and on the service seemed very good however when we started digging deeper, the company was trying to sell us completely the wrong package.


I searched the web for hours on end and also tried to find out the packages that my competitors were using. We also attended many conferences and we given literature that resembled a rain forest. It was all getting too much. I could not believe that to find a decent telecoms package, i was having to go through all this. The one day, I came across a consultant that knew what he was talking about and also cared that his clients got what they wanted.

He turned out to be extremely professional and knowledgeable. He organised everything for us, including setting up the system and going through it with everyone. He knew exactly what features we needed and was able to identify and eliminate existing inefficiencies. After just one consultation, we felt very confident that we had the best plan which was tailored to our needs.

Anything after that was easy and could be done with our eyes shut. I have a new telecoms system that is easy to understand and use. Also I was able to take all the phone payments and consolidate them together in one package. Monitoring of expenses is much easier now and in fact we have already begun to expand much sooner than we had anticipated.

About the Author:

Telecoms Procurement

, has enabled us to streamline our business. Find out about

Telecoms Cost Reduction

, by speaking to a telecoms consultant today.


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