Diamond Core Drill Bits: Trouble Free Core Drilling Operations

Diamond Core Drill Bits: Trouble Free Core Drilling Operations


Mark Bruddy

While performing diamond core drilling operations, it is impossible to mitigate all the possible hazards that the diamond core drill bits operators might encounter during the course of performing diversified drilling operations. However, one can adjust the risk scenario by shielding the core drill operators with the protective equipments.

Therefore, it is highly crucial that certain protective equipments be worn by the operators for the trouble free core drilling operations. Several of these items include: specially designed hat, safety glasses with side shields, snug fitting clothes, hearing protection, head protection, suitable gloves and sunglasses. Other items depend on the type of activities being performed at the location of the jobsite. It is always recommendable to wear personal protective equipments at all times, especially when you are working closely to the jobsite.

But before you begin with the core drilling operations, make sure that all your personal protective equipments are manufactured with high precision and quality. Do not wear loose-fitting clothes, loose hat or any other safety equipments that are either loose or tight. They should be custom-built as per your exact specifications and requirements.


To prevent unwanted mishap, diamond core drilling companies should ensure that every task is performed under the strict supervision. These companies not only provide training related to core drill bits job but also train their operators in administering basic first aid. If an injury or illness occurs, one can administer first aid until help arrives. But, in case of serious injuries, one should immediately call for help before being involved in treatment of an injured or ill worker. All core drilling operators must follow safety methods recommended by the company to ensure minimum risk and high performance in the workplace.

One must also pay attention to lock the drill machine so that it does not move. Do not operate the drilling machine unless you know how to start and end the drilling operation. Do not perform core drilling jobs, if you are not keeping well. Do not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Do not repair the machine by your own. By keeping these basic safety strategies in your mind, one can possibly avert the possible hazards that may occur while performing core drill operations.

Safety conscious drilling companies must therefore follow diamond core drilling safety manuals consist of safety program responsibilities, electrical safety measures, drilling machine safety procedures, policy statements and accident reporting. The safety manual section also includes general safety rules and precautions, and safety work practices for diamond core drilling.

The use of personal protective equipment prevents minor and fatal injuries occurring at the drilling sites. Diamond core drilling companies ensure a safe working environment to both core drill operators and visitors for their complete safety. They provide drilling systems and follow procedures in order to ensure safe and sound use of drilling equipments.

Mark Bruddy actively involved in writing for diamond tools, work with National Diamond, a leading US manufacturer and distributor of

diamond grinding tools


diamond core drill bits

, diamond polishing pad and other specialty diamond cutting and finishing tools for over 20 years.

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