Thermal Imaging For Safety And Maintenance Of Electrical Equipment

Thermal imaging for safety and maintenance of electrical equipment



There are organizations that provide engineers that are specialists in using thermal imaging of electrical equipment, to pick up hot spots where faults are likely to occur. They specialize in preventative scanning of electrical switchboards, but can scan almost any electrical equipment.


Electrical equipment is vital to any modern business, and a faulty connection or a blown fuse can result in work lost, time wasted, and clients infuriated. With electrical circuits being closely interlinked, a single faulty component can cause a domino effect when one item malfunctions, it can cause a current surge, which damages the next item along the chain. Faulty electrical equipment is the number one cause of a fire in homes and businesses; yet, most people have no idea how their electrical equipment works. Beyond rewiring a faulty plug, most people do not have the faintest idea how to protect this valuable part of their business. Even a technician, who understands how circuits work, will find it difficult to pinpoint the source of a problem and find it impossible to predict breakdowns. Beyond basic maintenance, what can be done to prolong the life of a circuit board or switchboard? Electrical Thermal imaging is one of the best ways to monitor and protect your electrical equipment. Components, which are faulty, tend to overheat, and systems, which are overheated, tend to break down. By taking a picture of equipment with a special heat-sensitive camera, thermal images show where the hot spots are, allowing you to take preventative measures. Any component, which is more than half a degree Celsius above ambient temperature, is likely to break down imminently, potentially causing a chain reaction of other component failures.

Thermal imaging uses state-of-the-art scanning equipment to identify electrical malfunctions that are difficult to diagnoses without the use of such equipment. Thermal scanning is possible on any type of electrical equipment in commercial and industrial use. The technique is especially useful for electrical switchboards, which is the equipment most vulnerable to overheating, but also scan gearboxes, motors, or even whole machines. The super-sensitive camera can detect heat fluctuations of just 0.08 degrees Celsius, well below the level of change that could indicate a problem. The interpretation of a thermal image is somewhat subjective, so for accuracy all scans are double-checked. First, a technician will look at the image on-site and give an initial diagnosis, then a qualified specialist electrical engineer will offer a second opinion, and these two interpretations together will form the final report. Customers will receive a full and comprehensive report, which includes a colored graphical map of surface temperature; a quantification of the severity of any problems discovered; and a recommendation for repair or replacement, including a timescale indicating the level of urgency. All reports are stored on a database to allow long-term monitoring if necessary. The company can offer either routine monitoring or repairs, including emergency call-outs and unsavory tasks such as finding rodents that have chewed through cables and have been electrocuted. Clients range from hospitals to government infrastructure projects, from shopping malls to small businesses.

Janine Brito is expert Author for this article. I am a professional writer with interests in web marketing ideas. I specially write about

Electrical Thermal imaging


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