Kennel Training Your Puppy, The First 5 Golden Rules

Submitted by: Lance Blitzer

Some rules are Golden, to never be forgotten simply because they always apply. Always to get used and referenced because they guide us and point out our coordinates and keep us on point, moving in the correct direction.

Find your Golden Rule, follow its star-like unwavering truth and become guided by it. Whatever your main goal or task, there’ll be a Golden Rule that applies that will help keep yourself on track.

Here are 5 of the most useful Golden Rules that apply to House training your puppy using a properly sized kennel..


Golden Rule # 1, The kennelis used for training,not punishment.. The thinking behind doing it that way is You don’t want your dog to be afraid of the kennel. Remember, increasing your puppies confidence is important at this point in the training cycle..

Golden Rule # 2, Allow the dog to play around the kennel using food to attract the dog closer and closer, if needed.. This might affect you in the foreseeable future because you don’t want to have a difficult time getting you dog to the kennel and in. Make sure and don’t forget that you must remain extremely enthusiastic giving lots of praise and physical contact..

Golden Rule # 3, Using the dogs favorite bed or blanket inside the crate.. This might be a good option because most dogs will not have a house breaking mistake were they have to lay or were they are cozy.

Golden Rule # 4, Once dogs in kennel,close door,praise,feed and praise more. Remember! you can not be positive enough and reinforce enough when introducing dog to crate.. There are definite ways of doing this, including Play, reinforce and more play. pet,feed,pet speaking to dog in a calm, reassuring voice.

Golden Rule # 5, Take puppy in and out of kennel extremely often at first. You must go from kennel to outside to his/her spot. This will teach association. You could potentially do this by Being consistent,having leash near kennel and collar always on dog.. This can make a difference for you because it is imperative that you go from kennel to outside in a fluid non-stressed motion.. Not allowing dog the chance to have an accident while on the way out. This might entail being intensely observant of your dog especially at night..This is really critical since it is possible that you might loss a little sleep at first. But extremely important to remain keen to the dogs behavior..

Carefully following these golden rules will quicken the house training task and achieve the most basic of obedience training for you and your pup. Build a solid relationship and all the while allowing you to progress quite rapidly as well as your successes greater, more frequent and much more satisfying.

Discover methods to house break your puppy using a proper sized kennel. Along with learning the additional Golden Rules that go hand in hand with the 5 mentioned in this article.

About the Author: Puppy training involves a few additional Golden Rules for quick and efficient success. Lance Blitzer has been involved in solving your dog problems for over 20 yrs. Visit

for a FREE 7day Ecourse. Grab the additional Golden Rules and learn a whole lot more.

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